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SLW#047: A Simple Business Analysis Framework Using Excel

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 You don’t need to be a data wizard to handle business data effectively.

Many business professionals feel trapped by complex formulas and powerful tools, thinking that’s the only way to make sense of their data.

But here’s the truth: You don’t need all that. What you really need is to learn just enough Excel to make smart decisions, and it’s easier than you think.


Why Complexity Isn’t the Answer

Complex formulas and overwhelming tools often do more harm than good, especially if you’re not ready for them. They make data handling feel like an impossible task, but it doesn’t have to be this way.

Let me share a simple approach that will help you manage your business data without all the headaches. Think of this approach as a business analysis framework—one that combines Excel’s power with a clear, actionable process you can apply to real-world challenges.


A Real-Life Example: Simplifying the Data Process

Take Jane, for example. She runs a small retail business and used to struggle with tracking sales and inventory.

She felt lost with all the data until she decided to simplify her approach. Instead of diving into complex systems, she started with a few key Excel functions.

Within weeks, she was confidently analyzing her data and making informed decisions. All she needed was a clear, step-by-step recipe to follow.


Your Step-by-Step Business Analysis Framework

You can start improving your data skills right now with this straightforward guide. Think of it as a business analysis framework—each step builds upon the last, using Excel to help you tackle real-world problems.


Step 1: Identify Your Problem or Opportunity

  • Action: Write down the key questions you need answers to. What is the problem you’re facing, or what opportunity do you want to seize?
  • Excel Integration: This step will guide your data collection and analysis, ensuring you focus on what matters.


Step 2: Collect and Structure Your Data

  • Action: Gather your data and organize it. Use functions like VLOOKUP and XLOOKUP to find specific data, and TEXTSPLIT and TEXTJOIN to clean and format it.
  • Excel Integration: Excel’s functions allow you to structure your data effectively, making it easier to analyze later.


Step 3: Analyze Your Data with Basic Formulas

  • Action: Use SUM, COUNT, and AVERAGE for quick insights. Apply SUMIF and COUNTIF to calculate totals based on conditions.
  • Excel Integration: These basic formulas give you a clear picture of your data, revealing key trends and figures.


Step 4: Visualize Your Data

  • Action: Create simple bar or line charts to see your data visually. Use Sparklines for small, in-cell charts.
  • Excel Integration: Excel’s charting tools make it easy to visualize trends and insights in your data.


Step 5: Highlight Key Data Points

  • Action: Apply Conditional Formatting to highlight important values. Use Color Scales to represent data ranges and Icon Sets to mark critical points.
  • Excel Integration: This makes important data stand out, helping you focus on what’s most important.


Step 6: Summarize and Drill Down with PivotTables

  • Action: Use PivotTables to summarize large datasets. Add Slicers and Timelines for dynamic filtering.
  • Excel Integration: PivotTables allow you to drill down into your data, uncovering the root causes of issues or identifying trends.


Step 7: Create Trend Insights with Advanced Charts

  • Action: Set up Combo Charts to compare data types. Create Dynamic Charts that update automatically, and use Conditional Alerts for important changes.
  • Excel Integration: Advanced charting provides a deeper understanding of your data and alerts you to key changes.


Step 8: Find Root Causes

  • Action: Drill down in PivotTables to identify the root causes of problems. Drag and drop fields to see what’s driving your data.
  • Excel Integration: Excel’s drag-and-drop feature in PivotTables helps you uncover what’s really happening in your data.


Step 9: Prepare Solutions

  • Action: Present your findings clearly. Set goals, organize your projects, and communicate your insights effectively.
  • Excel Integration: Use Excel to organize and present your solutions, ensuring clear communication with stakeholders.


Step 10: Monitor and Adjust

  • Action: Build a dashboard to track your solutions. Use PivotCharts to monitor performance and adjust your strategies as needed.
  • Excel Integration: A well-designed dashboard in Excel helps you keep your projects on track and make informed adjustments.


Ready to Get Started?

By following this business analysis framework, you’ll find that managing your business data isn’t as hard as it seems. Start applying these steps today, and watch how they transform your decision-making process.

Whether you’re new to Excel or just looking to sharpen your skills, this guide gives you everything you need to get started.


Final Thought: Empower Your Decision-Making

Remember, the key to mastering your business data is not in complexity but in clarity and simplicity.

By using this framework, you’re not just learning Excel. You’re building a powerful skill set that will help you make smarter business decisions.

Embrace this approach, and you’ll find that managing data becomes an empowering part of your work, not a daunting task.

If you’re looking for a more comprehensive way to integrate business analysis with Excel, my course is designed specifically to help you master both.

It offers a clear, practical approach that combines these skills seamlessly, making it easier for you to tackle real-world business challenges effectively.


Ready to combines these skills seamlessly?

Check out my signature course "Excel Analytics OS" here 

Smarter, Simpler, and Easier. 
















  • 行动:写下你需要回答的关键问题。你面临的问题是什么,或者你想要抓住什么机会?
  • Excel结合:这一阶段将指导你的数据收集和分析,确保你专注于重要的部分。



  • 行动:收集你的数据并进行组织。使用VLOOKUP和XLOOKUP等函数查找特定数据,使用TEXTSPLIT和TEXTJOIN清理和格式化数据。
  • Excel结合:Excel的函数让你有效地结构化数据,使其更容易进行后续分析。



  • 行动:使用SUM、COUNT和AVERAGE进行快速洞察。应用SUMIF和COUNTIF根据条件计算总数。
  • Excel结合:这些基本公式让你清楚地看到数据,揭示关键趋势和数据。



  • 行动:创建简单的条形图或折线图来直观显示数据。使用Sparklines进行小型单元格图表。
  • Excel结合:Excel的图表工具让你轻松可视化数据中的趋势和洞察。



  • 行动:应用条件格式突出重要值。使用颜色尺度表示数据范围,使用图标集标记关键点。
  • Excel结合:这使得重要数据脱颖而出,帮助你关注最重要的内容。



  • 行动:使用PivotTable总结大型数据集。添加切片器和时间线进行动态筛选。
  • Excel结合:PivotTable让你深入分析数据,揭示问题的根本原因或识别趋势。



  • 行动:设置组合图表以比较数据类型。创建动态图表以自动更新,使用条件警报标记重要变化。
  • Excel结合:高级图表提供更深入的数据理解,并提醒你关键变化。



  • 行动:在PivotTable中深入挖掘以识别问题的根本原因。拖放字段以查看数据的驱动因素。
  • Excel结合:Excel在PivotTable中的拖放功能帮助你揭示数据的实际情况。



  • 行动:清晰地呈现你的发现。设定目标,组织项目,并有效沟通你的洞察。
  • Excel结合:使用Excel组织和展示解决方案,确保与利益相关者的清晰沟通。



  • 行动:建立仪表板以跟踪你的解决方案。使用PivotCharts监控性能并根据需要调整策略。
  • Excel结合:一个设计良好的仪表板在Excel中帮助你保持项目的正轨,并做出明智的调整。












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