SLW #005: Sharing > Learning > Growing

weekly newsletter

Last week, I posted a tutorial regarding "Dynamic grouping" on LinkedIn.

I thought, it was practical enough to help day-to-day users.

For example,

  • Filtering value group by using Slicers
  • Analyzing CRM data by sales range
  • Data segmentation

And more.

I wrote 3 formulas to buld this mini application.


Amazing, it worked.

I posted it to LinkedIn. Many followers enjoyed it.

A few hours later, one buddy told me I could use FLOOR to simplify the formula.

I turned on notebook and work out the formula immediately. Crazy, really one single formula could replace 3 formulas.

The value of mini tool remained unchanged, but the creation process was streamlined a lot.

I cound not wait. I spent 60 mins to re-record the tutorial then posted streamlined version on next day.

p.s. You can watch this tutorial, or download practice file if you are interested. LinkeidIn original post: on 30 June 2023. LinkedIn updated post: on 1 July 2023

It was a big lesson for me.

Growing comes from Learning. Learning comes from Sharing.

It reminds me how I have been growing myself in the past 20 years.

I'm glad to have you in my newsletter who receiving my sharing to make me grow. I realize I'm not the one only sharing my expertise to benefit you. Instead, because of you, I am rapidly growing much faster than before. I would responsible for my commitment.

"Simplify and Master day-to-day analysis in ONE single course."

Genuinely, short video tutorial benefits you far less than my distilled, comprehesive and structural "Excel Analytics OS" course.

I know you may struggle to join my course. Absolutely normal. I'm not MVPs, not millions followers influencer. I don't have thousands testimonials for your review. But,

Progress is not easily attained, unless you putting enough efforts. 

I am going to complete the recording before this Sunday. Whole course outlines and contents are in front of me.

I have confidence that distilled 20 years "Sharing > Learning >  Growing experience" in the entire course can definitely benefit you.

If you like my video tutorials and benefit from it, I can almost guarantee the course can bring you x times value.


Grow with Action. I hope to see you in my course. 

Pre-order NOW to unlock bonus product immediately

Still struggling? No worry, if my course can't benefit you, let me know within 14 days. Full refund, no questions asked. Zero risk.

Thanks for your time.

See you next week.

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